TOYOTA Rental & Leasing NAGOYA Corporation and NTP Group* may request personal information to improve the quality of our services and products, ensuring customer convenience. The NTP Group prioritizes safeguarding customers’ personal information, believing it essential for delivering our best products and services through robust communication. Hence, we have formulated a “Personal Information Protection Policy” (Privacy Policy) to promote customer understanding.
What is “personal information?”
- Personal information is information about an individual that can be used to identify them (Appendix 1). In addition, information that could be used in combination with items not listed below to identify an individual could be considered personal information.
- About special care-required personal information
This refers to personal information that requires special care in order to avoid unfair discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantages (Appendix 2). Personal information requiring special care will not be provided to a third party without the consent of the customer.
Collection of Personal Information
When the NTP Group collects personal information from customers, we will clearly state on our website the purpose for which the information will be used. When we ask customers to provide personal information in person, we will clarify the purpose of use at that time. The NTP Group will not use personal information beyond the scope of the purpose shared with the customer. Customers are free to refuse this consent at their own discretion.
Purpose of Personal Information Use
- All personal information in our possession (including information about customers’ family members) will be used only for the following purposes or other legitimate purposes.
- To fulfill our responsibilities in transacting with our customers
- To inform customers of products and services, and various events and campaigns by sending promotional materials, e-mails, and others. (This includes analyzing customers’ personal information and providing information and offers tailored to their life stages, tastes, and preferences.)
- Conducting customer surveys for the purpose of product development and the like, or to study measures aimed at improving customer satisfaction.
- To share personal information within the NTP Group for the purpose of providing comprehensive services within the NTP Group.
- Information to be shared: Name, address, vehicle information, and other personal information
- Purpose of use: To inform customers about products and services provided by the NTP Group, and about various events and campaigns
- Means or method of use: Use of the same information system
- Personal Information Manager: TOYOTA Rental & Leasing NAGOYA Corporation (Please refer to the company profile for the address and contact information,)
- To carry out business activities as commissioned by other companies. This includes, but is not limited to, the following outsourcing services.
- To act as an agent at the time of application for vehicle communication service offers made on behalf of Toyota Motor Corporation and TOYOTA Connected Corporation and to provide services incidental or related to these services, etc.
- For the purpose of use by insurance companies that subcontract their insurance services to us, which are listed on their respective websites (Appendix 3).
- Customers may request the discontinuance of the preceding paragraphs 2 to 5.
(Contact our “Company Contact” listed in Section 9.) - In the event of a change in the purpose of use, we will promptly notify the customer in writing in-person or announce the change on our website.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
- The NTP Group will not provide any personal information in its possession to any third party, except in the following cases. However, this does not apply when the NTP Group entrusts personal information to a subcontractor only to the extent necessary for the subcontracted work.
- When the customer has given consent
- When required by law
- When necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of a person (including a corporation) and it is not feasible to obtain the consent of the person
- When disclosure is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is not feasible to obtain the consent of the person in question
- When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to carry out affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the execution of such affairs
- If a customer wishes to request that we cease providing their
(Contact our “Company Contact” listed in Section 9.) - When the NTP Group provides personal information to a third party in accordance with Article 1-1, we will record and store the “date of provision,” “name of recipient,” “name of person identified,” and “items of personal information” in keeping with the law.
Personal Information Protection System
The NTP Group has established a Personal Information Protection Promotion Committee and a Personal Information Protection Executive Organization.
The Committee establishes rules for the protection of personal information, and the Executive Organization is responsible for the protection of personal information in all departments within our company, while promoting employee training in the protection of personal information and establishing a system for receiving feedback from customers.
The NTP Group understands that personal information is information that is entrusted to us by our customers. We recognize that it is our responsibility to ensure the security of such information and will manage it appropriately.
Obtaining Personal Information through Our Website
Encryption: When obtaining personal information from our website, a cryptographic system (SSL) is used to ensure that customers’ personal information is transmitted securely.
Cookies: Cookies are small information files that are exchanged between the customer’s computer and the website. The NTP Group may use cookies to make our website easier to use and to provide the most relevant information to each individual customer. Customers can set their browser software to refuse cookies or to issue cookie warnings.
Links: Some of the websites linked to by the NTP Group are operated by other companies. This “Privacy Policy” does not apply to those linked sites.
Customer Inquiries
Customers may request notification of the purpose of use of their personal information, disclosure of retained personal information, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, suspension of provision to third parties, or disclosure of records of provision to third parties (all of which are hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”). If a customer requests disclosure, etc., we at TOYOTA Rental & Leasing NAGOYA will respond appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations.
*The records of provision to third parties refer to the records created when we have provided customers’ personal data to a third party or when we have received customers’ personal data from a third party.
In addition, customers may submit inquiries, comments, or requests regarding their personal data. When we receive such requests, we will respond to them appropriately within a reasonable scope. For this purpose, we have established a dedicated contact to respond to inquiries, corrections, etc., or any other inquiries, comments, or requests from customers regarding their personal information. Please note that we may ask customers to pay the actual costs for the disclosure of their personal information.
Company Contact: Corporate Planning Department Tel.: 052-523-5556
Compliance With and Improvement of Laws, Regulations, Etc.
NTP Group complies with all applicable laws and regulations for the protection of personal information. In addition, we will constantly review our privacy policy and internal regulations regarding the protection of personal information in order to improve the handling and control of personal information.
Security Control Measures
For details on the measures we have taken to ensure the safe handling of personal information at TOYOTA Rental & Leasing NAGOYA, please contact our Contact our “Company Contact” listed in Section 9.
[Note *] NTP Group:
NTP Holdings Corporation, NTP Nagoya Toyopet Corporation, NTP Toyota Shinshu Corporation, Toyota Rental & Leasing Nagoya Corporation, Toyota Home Nagoya Corporation, Toyota Home Nagoya Shinshu Company, Jms Nagoya Corporation, NTP Import HD Corporation, NTP Import HD Corporation RR Company, NTP-VG Corporation, NTP-VC Corporation, NTP-PC Corporation, NTP-AC Corporation
NTP Carmost Corporation, NTP Seventh Corporation, NTP System Corporation, Mobility Support Corporation (and other subsidiaries of NTP Holdings Corporation to be substantially controlled and managed by the NTP Holdings Corporation in the future)
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Created April 1, 2002
Seventh Edition, April 1, 2022